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'Princess of the Pohutukawa'_By Tracey  #collageart #collage #art.jpg

Analog collage artist


There's a blissful "thats it" moment when one picture meets another and there is that perfect spark between the two!.  They are then joined forever.   Yet they would never have met without me!  A bright July 1982 National Geographic meets a dusty December 1960 New Zealand Weekly magazine and creates a symphony for the rebel in me.  I am fascinated with the freedom collage brings and the feelings it stirs.  It's ridiculous and beautiful to me.

The reaction of complete silence by some is to me the best reaction.  When all you hear are crickets, the job is complete.  I want my audience to physically feel something when they look at my art.

I am super inspired by the art of Frank Moth, Sammy Slabinck, John Stezaker, Tyler Varsell, Eugenia Loli ,  and in particular  the minimalist collages by Daiva Visocky .

My collages are made from vintage magazines and modern day gloss.  They are made with glue and scissors. 

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